Wedding Day Do’s & Don’ts
A little help from someone who has seen it all
Every wedding is different, every bride is different, but one thing remains the same – a little bit of forward planning and preparation will always help you avoid the bumps and stresses!
What do i need to wear on the day?
Please make sure you wear something that doesn’t have to go over your head
If you are wearing a strapless dress – Please remember to take bra straps off your shoulders so you dont have strap marks
Do i need to wash my hair on the day?
Please could I ask you to either wash your hair on the day before the trial or if you prefer to wash your hair daily – May I ask you to use conditioner on the very little ends only on the day of the trial.
Please can I ask you NOT to straighten your hair.
Please do NOT use deep conditioning treatments, masks, serums or leave in conditioners.
How much time do i need to allow?
Always allow plenty of time for us on our trial appointment.
What if i don't know what will suit me?
Please have a think and some good ideas on what your ideal hair style would be if you could try anything. We can start with a soft and relaxed style and then a half up and finish with an updo! – Please note that the more I play with curled hair the messier the curl becomes.
Please note that curling the hair makes it appear quite a lot shorter; I can straighten the hair at the root and keep the curl at the ends to make it look a bit longer.
What if I'm unsure about the look and style?
We can trial curls to see which best suits your hair type and face – For example we could use rollers in one section, tonged curls in another and curls made with straighteners in another. And see which you prefer.
Can i have some input to the style i want?
I will always involve you in the styling process and more importantly listen to your input. E.g. where you would like your parting, would you be happy trying the parting in a different position?
Would you like width at the sides or would you prefer it sleek and tight back.
How do you like to have your fringe – forward, sweeping over, to one side, or back with height?
I will always offer to try one more style even when you are happy, it just helps to confirm in your mind that you have made the right decision.